TAMPLO: in summary

TAMPLO is an innovative task management software designed for teams and organisations aiming to boost productivity and streamline collaboration. It simplifies project management and team communication with standout features like real-time monitoring, task prioritisation, and detailed reporting.

What are the main features of TAMPLO?

Real-Time Monitoring

Enhance the efficiency of your projects by keeping track of tasks in real-time. TAMPLO provides a comprehensive overview, ensuring everyone stays on the same page with up-to-the-minute updates.

  • Dashboard view: Instantly access your team’s progress and upcoming tasks.
  • Status indicators: Visual cues to track task completion and urgency.
  • Notifications: Alerts to keep team members informed about changes and deadlines.

Task Prioritisation

Properly prioritising tasks is key to effective project management. TAMPLO offers features that help teams focus on what matters most, improving overall productivity.

  • Drag-and-drop interface: Easily rearrange tasks to reflect your team’s current priorities.
  • Priority tags: Customisable tags to mark tasks by importance and deadlines.
  • Dependency mapping: Visualise and manage task interdependencies to ensure a smooth workflow.

Detailed Reporting

Track performance and identify areas for improvement with TAMPLO’s in-depth reporting tools. These reports offer valuable insights that help in decision-making and strategic planning.

  • Customisable reports: Generate reports tailored to your specific needs and metrics.
  • Data export: Export data in various formats for further analysis or sharing.
  • Performance trends: Monitor trends over time to assess progress and make informed adjustments.
h3>Team Communication

Simplify team communication with features specifically designed to streamline interaction and enhance collaboration efforts.

  • In-app chat: Seamless chat functionality for real-time communication.
  • File sharing: Easily share documents and resources without leaving the app.
TAMPLO - TAMPLO: meetings management module (Guests, agenda, actions and topics to be covered, etc.)
TAMPLO - TAMPLO: meetings management module (Guests, agenda, actions and topics to be covered, etc.)
TAMPLO - TAMPLO: meetings management module (Guests, agenda, actions and topics to be covered, etc.)
TAMPLO - TAMPLO: List of shares by level of importance
TAMPLO - TAMPLO: detail of a share
TAMPLO - TAMPLO: Managing the project team. Adding collaborators and definition of roles

TAMPLO: its rates

/month /user

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