(Not-So) Shocking Gen Z Social Media Statistics

(Not-So) Shocking Gen Z Social Media Statistics

By Nicholas Barone
Published: 07/06/2022

We don’t think it’ll come as much of a shock when we say that Gen Z is the first completely digitally connected and native generation, with an estimated 93% of Gen Zers on social media, according to ThriveMyWay. That’s no surprise though since they were born and grew up with it. Baby boomers taught their parents how to change the TV channel, and Gen Z taught theirs how to post a cringey family photo on Facebook.  

With such an astounding presence on social media platforms comes a marketing opportunity for businesses. But, what kind of things do Gen Zers look out for? What do they like and dislike online? Keep reading for all these answers and more! 

Clear Preferences 

Knowing where Gen Z spends their time is half the battle for businesses and marketers. According to EarthWeb, 62% of Generation Z uses Instagram daily, however just because they use it doesn’t mean it’s their favorite, that title goes to YouTube, with 60% of respondents saying it’s their preferred platform. Another key fact is that around 80%, according to the survey, follow a least one influencer. 

Not so fast, just because you know where Gen Z is doesn’t automatically mean that your marketing will hit it off with them. Gen Z is the most cautious generation to date when it comes to making purchasing decisions, they appreciate third-party information about products like reviews. Meaning that you’re going to have to curate your offering to them, and make sure your product or service is bulletproof. 

They also care not just about the product, but about brand reputation, meaning that if your company holds unpopular views or is seen as “toxic”, it doesn’t matter how good your product is, Gen Z most likely won’t buy it. 

Personal Interactions and Reputation 

Gen Z, unsurprisingly, is the most digitally savvy and first native generation, meaning they’re unlikely to be fooled by the same old games that work with other age demographics. In order to effectively target them, on social media, you’ll have to be more personal and shape your reputation and actions as a company to fit with the kinds of things they like, like diversity, openness, kindness, sincerity, etc. 

Although for some companies this might be a big change, the potential reward is without a doubt worth it and could end up securing you a loyal customer base for years to come.  

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