Why opt for labelled SaaS software? The Exaegis agency has set up labels for SaaS publishers. What are they for? What are the issues involved and what are they based on?
Indirect sales to develop your business? Founder of PAD (Partners & Alliances Development), a consultancy specialising in the development of commercial partnerships, René Causse explains the benefits of an indirect sales strategy.
Everything You Should Know About the SaaS Contract What is a SaaS contract and how does it differ from a standard software contract? What are the points to be aware of before drafting or signing one? As with any contract negotiation, it is important to anticipate!
18 May 2022
The Ultimate Guide for Successful Startup Fundraising Need money to take your company to the top? Read our comprehensive and concise guide to startup fundraising, finding the right investors, and most importantly, convincing them!
International SaaS Strategy- Do's and Don'ts Deciding to move your SaaS startup can be a hard and demanding task. Are you looking to take your business to the next level? Take some time out of your day and find out the answers to these questions and steps your SaaS startup has to take to move towards a successful and profit producing global expansion.
What Is SaaS as a Part of Cloud Computing? SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a model for making software and applications available remotely, via the cloud service. Examples and advantages.