Teamwork: in summary

Teamwork is a cloud-based project management software that helps teams collaborate and manage their projects efficiently. It provides a suite of tools to manage tasks, track time, and communicate with team members. With Teamwork, users can create projects, set deadlines, assign tasks to team members, and track progress in real-time.

Teamwork is designed for teams of all sizes and industries, including marketing, software development, construction, and more. It is particularly useful for remote teams as it provides a central hub for communication and project management.

Two or three strong points that differentiate Teamwork from other project management software include its robust collaboration features, customizable project workflows, and seamless integrations with third-party tools. Teamwork allows teams to work together in real-time, providing instant feedback and updates on project progress. The software also allows users to create custom project workflows that fit their specific needs. Finally, Teamwork integrates with a variety of third-party tools, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Zapier, which makes it easy to streamline workflows and increase productivity.

Its benefits

Project planning and management

Task management and collaboration

Time tracking and reporting

Its disadvantages

Complexity with a wide range of features

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Appvizer's opinion

We believe that Teamwork project management software is an exceptional tool that offers a comprehensive set of features for project planning, management, task collaboration, and reporting. Teamwork's robust collaboration features, customisable project workflows, and seamless integrations with third-party tools make it a top choice for businesses and organisations of all sizes.

We appreciate the software's user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation, making it easy to get started and begin managing projects quickly.

Overall, we highly recommend Teamwork project management software as a valuable tool for teams looking to streamline their project management processes and improve collaboration. At Appvizer, we believe that Teamwork is a top-performing software solution that delivers exceptional value to its users.

Teamwork - Video
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Teamwork - Teamwork Projects-screenshot-4

Teamwork: its rates

​Teamwork offers four different plans to meet the needs of various businesses and organisations. 

  • Free Forever - This plan is ideal for beginners in project management. Basic task management, templates, and multiple project views are free for up to 5 people.
  • Starter - Time tracking, enhanced Gantt charts, important integrations, and customisable branding are included. This package costs €9 per month for three users.
  • Deliver - Growing teams require more project control and visibility with the Deliver plan. Unlimited client users, engaging intake forms, project status reports, portfolio health reports, and powerful automations. This package requires three users and costs €14 per user per month.

Grow - For larger teams or corporations managing complicated, multi-phase projects. Resource scheduling, burndown reports, workload capacity planning, unlimited custom fields, complex budget kinds, and custom reports. This package costs €26 per month for five people.

Free Forever
/month /user
/month /user
On demand

Clients alternatives to Teamwork

Teamwork: the complete test

Teamwork project management software is a cloud-based solution designed to help teams collaborate and manage their projects effectively. With a suite of tools for project planning, task management, time tracking, and reporting, Teamwork is a popular choice for businesses and organisations of all sizes. Just below, we will explore three key features of Teamwork project management software in detail. 

We will examine how the software's collaboration and task management tools can help teams work together more efficiently, how its time tracking and reporting features enable data-driven decision-making, and how its customisable workflows and automations can streamline workflows and reduce manual tasks.

Collaboration and Task Management

One of the key features of Teamwork project management software is its robust collaboration and task management tools. The software provides a centralised platform for team members to collaborate on tasks, projects, and deadlines in real-time. Users can easily assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Teamwork also provides customisable templates, project views, and integrations with other tools, making it easy for teams to work together efficiently and effectively.

Time Tracking and Reporting 

Teamwork also offers powerful time tracking and reporting features that enable teams to track time spent on tasks and projects. Users can easily log time, create detailed reports, and monitor progress against project deadlines. The software also includes a built-in billing system, which makes it easy for teams to generate invoices and bill clients for their time. With Teamwork's reporting tools, users can generate custom reports, track project progress over time, and make data-driven decisions to improve their workflows.

Custom Workflows and Automations

Another standout feature of Teamwork is its ability to customise workflows and automate tasks. The software provides a range of automation options, including triggers, rules, and integrations with other tools. This allows teams to streamline their workflows, reduce manual tasks, and focus on more high-value work. Additionally, Teamwork offers advanced custom fields, project types, and budget types, enabling teams to tailor the software to their specific needs. Overall, Teamwork's customisation features make it a flexible and adaptable project management solution for businesses and organisations of all sizes.

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