Keeper: in summary

Keeper is a versatile software tailored for businesses seeking robust management solutions. Ideal for SMEs and large enterprises alike, it streamlines operations with advanced ***automation tools*** and ***real-time insights*** to drive productivity and decision-making excellence.

What are the main features of Keeper?

Advanced Task Automation

Harness the power of Keeper's cutting-edge automation to eliminate repetitive tasks and enhance process efficiency.

  • Automatic Notifications: Keep everyone in the loop with scheduled reminders and updates.
  • Workflow Automation: Customise workflows to streamline task management and approval processes.
  • Integration Capabilities: Connect seamlessly with other software for a unified system experience.

Real-Time Insights and Analytics

Stay ahead with Keeper's real-time analytics, enabling data-driven decisions to optimise performance.

  • Dashboard Analytics: Get a comprehensive view of key metrics and KPIs.
  • Customisable Reports: Generate detailed reports tailored to your organisation's needs.
  • Trend Analysis: Detect patterns and trends to forecast and plan strategically.

Collaborative Tools

Improve team collaboration with Keeper’s suite of tools designed to facilitate seamless communication and project tracking.

  • Shared Workspaces: Collaborate on projects with shared boards and documents.
  • Task Assignments: Easily assign and track progress of tasks across the team.
  • Real-Time Chat: Enable effective communication within the team for prompt issue resolution.

Resource Management

Efficiently manage and allocate resources with Keeper, ensuring optimal utilisation and productivity.

  • Resource Allocation: Assign resources based on real availability and workload.
  • Time Tracking: Monitor and logging hours to ensure time-efficient delivery.
  • Capacity Planning: Plan and forecast capacity for upcoming projects with precision.
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Keeper - Screenshot 1
Keeper - Screenshot 1
Keeper - Screenshot 2

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