MeltingSpot: in summary

The all-in-one community engagement platform designed to build and grow all sorts of business communities: SaaS Academies, Customer Communities, Brand Communities, Founders Clubs...

MeltingSpot is the only platform offering a central place for all types of content, therefore delivering the most seamless and engaging online experience to community members.

Our platform comes loaded with a whole set of premium features:

✅ Built-in live-streaming studio

✅ Automatic emailing capabilities

✅ Smart groups

✅ Discussions and 1:1 messaging

✅ Permissions and privacy settings  

✅ Content marketplace (webinars, experts, documents, speakers - off the shelf)

✅ Analytics and member activity tracking

✅ Integrations, SSO

MeltingSpot is trusted by thousands of businesses (SaaS, VCs, startups, corporates). Start free today or book a 15-minute chat with one of our experts

Its benefits

User-Friendly Interface

Customizable and Scalable

Community Monitoring tools



MeltingSpot - Video
MeltingSpot - Here is what the home page of a Spot looks like on MeltingSpot. A Spot is the digital place where your community comes together.
MeltingSpot - In this section, you'll find all the upcoming lives taking place on a given Spot. You can register to them, or access the replays of previous ones.
MeltingSpot - Here is what an upcoming live looks like. You'll find details on the topics that will be discussed, the speakers that will be there and the time it will start.
MeltingSpot - This is the place where you can follow what the community is talking about. It works like a forum, where the members of your community can ask and answer questions, or simply chat together.
MeltingSpot - The collection section is where you can offer on-demand content to your community. You can pin the collections that you think will most appeal to your community, and choose which members you want to share your collection with.
MeltingSpot - This section gathers all your community members. You can add them to groups and see their status on your Spot and which tags you added.
MeltingSpot - This section is the general settings of your Spot. You can change your Name,Description, Logo and change between a public or private access to your Spot.

MeltingSpot: its rates

/100 users
/500 users
On demand

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